Are you a blogger looking for new exciting books to review? Check out our Open Blog Tours. ✨ Please ensure you have filled out the Tour Hosts/Reviewers form before applying to the tours.
Below are tours we are currently looking to fill. Our tours are open to those who review on their blogs and/or bookstagrams. All tours include a giveaway to share with your followers. If you have any questions feel free to email us anytime.
The Rampion Child
Minerva Hart
January 2025
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High in the mountains, Lorelai lives a quiet life with her mother, Breanne. Sometimes, Breanne is rougher than she intends to be, leaving bruises and scratches on her daughter’s soft skin, but that is only because her love for Lorelai is as great as her fear of the outside world. It is rife with monsters, Red Hoods, treacherous folk of both mundane and magical abilities, and – worst of all – the True Faith, who rule Shipbreaker Shore with an iron fist. They dominate all who live on the isle, and execute those who don’t obey their holy laws. Even the royal family is terrified of them.
Mother and daughter live a life of seclusion to hide from such perils. While Lorelai is curious about the world beyond their tiny hut, Breanne insists they have all they need because they have each other.
Lorelai’s life is sheltered and lonely… until she meets and befriends Odele, a young Red Hood with a difficult past.
Lorelai is happier than she’s ever been. Little does she know that her mother is afraid of something far more tangible than dragons, ghouls, or even the True Faith: Time. Lorelai is twelve, on the cusp of womanhood, and Breanne will do the unspeakable to keep the girl from leaving her.
The Side Project
Laurel Osterkamp
January 2025
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Rylee dreams of moving to California, writing literary fiction, and pursuing her late father’s dreams. But until her younger brother fully recovers from cancer, she’ll stay in Bemidji, MN. It’s all good, except for when she runs into her BFF’s older brother, Carson. Back in high school, Carson rejected Rylee and she’s still humiliated.
Ten years ago, Carson’s Harvard plans were dashed by his girlfriend’s unexpected pregnancy. So he stayed in Bemidji. Now he’s a single dad/high school teacher. He loves his son–yet, he wants more.
Rylee is shocked when Carson enrolls in her graduate fiction course. Despite their unresolved past, they become writing partners and take on a secret side project – a passionate-no-strings fling that must end with the class. Otherwise, hearts will be broken and secrets revealed. Yet, as their feelings grow, Rylee and Carson are faced with a difficult decision:
Should they risk everything for a chance at happily-ever-after?
“Sparks will fly and hearts will break, but you’re guaranteed a good time with The Side Project.” — Indies Today
Location X
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Not all septuagenarians become devoted grandparents, contented gardeners, or avid pickleball players, some still crave risk and adventure. Eva Rome enters her eighth decade and rejects her comfortable, semiretired life, questing for meaning beyond the mainstream. In the midst of Covid, she sells her home and hits the road to search for Location X, a place that speaks to who she is. Her investigations take her around the globe, starting in São Paulo, Brazil, on a street named for Diogenes, the Greek cynic who carried a lantern around Athens, shoving it into his fellow citizens’ faces and declaring, “I’m looking for a man.” Eva holds her own lantern up to the world and proclaims, “I’m looking for a place.” Her investigations take her from São Paulo to Mexico to Uncertain, Texas, to retirement hot spots in Costa Rica and Panamá, Spain, Italy, and Portugal. Archangel Michael, whom she learns is her guardian spirit, makes appearances and offers guidance.
On a pirate’s map, X marks the spot where treasure is buried, and finding X was the focus of her process: pinpointing that singular location that said, this is where the next phase of my life will unfold. From the armchair globetrotter to the boomer looking for a soft landing in paradise, readers will recognize their unrealized relocation dreams in this compilation of humorous travel exploits and perhaps be prompted to take on their own new adventures.

Ralph Burton Feature
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Torn Pages : An Inconvenient Spring
The sequel to Torn Pages.
Juliet’s winter at her boarding school is interrupted by a weird new roommate who keeps an electric-blue bicycle and a book of empty pages under her bed. Alice’s ramblings about killer trees and her missing mother make no sense at first. Then the trees grow faces and come to life. Juliet finds herself spirited away by Alice to defeat the man-eating forests sprawling across the universe. They take electric-blue bicycles through the worlds of various books, from a rundown futuristic city to an elderly vampire’s castle, right down to the Greek underworld where the ultimate choice awaits.
Lord Caterpillar
Victorian seamstress Mary is sent by her father to the mansion of Lord Burrows to be married. She finds a house full of monsters. At night the castle comes to life with a luminescent glow and buzzing insect sounds. The maids grow wings. The footman turns tall, elegant and green. The master of the house no longer resembles a man but a long and spindly creature. A decades-old spell becomes apparent, one only Mary can break.
Night Music
It’s been a year since Kate’s best friend Michael disappeared, leaving only a pair of shattered glasses and a bloodstained piano. A school trip to the local concert hall, and Kate finds herself reckoning with the very things that killed him. Musical instruments, possessed by evil spirits, torment her classmates by way of a thousand-year-old curse. Kate must rally her friends and stop a human sacrifice that will change the world.
When Shirley’s mother is killed during the Blitz, she and her father cross the Atlantic and become part of a new family. The Romanovs live in a typical snowbound American town. When the lake snows over during the winter, it opens a portal to Transylvania where Shirley’s step-sisters become vampires. A bite on the neck, and Shirley is about to become eternal and influence the twentieth century in ways she can barely imagine.

Futility of Defense
Bryan Cole
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Paladins are nothing but trouble. When Krell, an uneducated nobody with a stubborn streak as wide as the sea, hears the call from ReckNor, the capricious god of the seas and skies, the attention of the rich and powerful turn their gaze toward him. Paladins are notorious for upsetting the balance of power, to the detriment of any who don’t worship their deity.
When Krell stands against the might of the sea devils and emerges victorious, concern and interest turn to fear—fear of their secrets and plans being revealed and exposed, of the ruin that often follows in a paladin’s wake. Now he stands in defense of a pitiful town at the edge of nowhere, even as the sea devil menace grows more dire for each day that passes.
For as deadly as the sea devils are to Krell, his past choices and the consequences of his actions may be deadlier still…